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Adventures of Young Princess Promise Volume

Before she was the legendary freedom fighter Kez-Shey Bellar - "She who would not let it be" - Promise was a young princess who learned valuable life lessons about teamwork, courage, loyalty, respect and dignity side-by-side with her friends Gabrielle and Tiki. Future adventures concerning her destiny would be shaped by the lives, choices and circumstances surrounding her father King Barrick, his lifelong friends General Jaspari and Marshall U-Hotek, and her mysteriously absent brothers Princes Justice, Power and Sincere.

Children of Ert… We bring you the Adventures of Young Princess Promise!

Promiseland Park's Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book - 2nd Edition

Developed by PGK Educational Tools, Promiseland Park’s Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book 2nd Edition was revised by Dana Kearney an experienced, well-respected early childhood educator who is the founder and owner of Village Babies Development Center LLC located in South Orange, New Jersey. Promiseland Park's Audio Smart-Book is an interactive learning platform that is enhanced by the inclusion of cutting-edge songs from PGK Music Box LLC. Its lesson modules are designed to challenge children’s spelling, word recognition, math skills, and memorization skills while covering subjects as varied as social skills, personal responsibility, and the environment. Each Audio Smart-Book lesson module serves as a chapter in a comprehensive storyline that is narrated by beloved Promiseland Park characters who teach and encourage but also entertain young students, further motivating them to learn.

PGK’s Dental Hygiene Audio Smart-Kit Copy - Version 2 (General Population/Fundraisers)

Produced by PGK Educational Tools LLC, the PGK Dental Hygiene Audio Smart-Kit is designed to support PGK’s Health & Fitness Youth Empowerment Initiative. It features critical information on the importance of children maintaining good dental hygiene. Its components include a dental hygiene workbook containing lessons, crosswords, and puzzles that feature PGK characters, and a free song download card.

PG the Kangaroo and his siblings Kelly and Kevin together with Dr. Gabby and their nemesis Captain Cavity guide children through important lessons on dental hygiene. “Brush, Brush” - a fun and entertaining song from PGK Music Box - encourages children to brush their teeth regularly.

Hundreds of thousands of American children, because of factors such as poverty and lack of education, are unaware of the lifelong relationship between dental hygiene and their overall health. Consequently, they do not establish lifelong dental hygiene habits that contribute to their overall health and well-being. Statistics that demonstrate the difficulties some children have in maintaining good dental hygiene include the following:

  • Tooth decay is the single most chronic childhood disease, more prevalent than asthma and hay fever.
  • Over 50 million school hours are lost each year due to the effects of poor dental hygiene.
  • Low-income children are twice as likely to have untreated oral diseases than children not living in poverty.

Statistics such as these and an ongoing desire to empower children are the inspirations for PGK’s Dental Hygiene Audio Smart-Kit.

Las Aventuras de la Joven Princess Promise - Volumen 1

Law Cunningham es el creador de Las Crónicas Krawen, una parte de la cual, Las Adventuras de la Joven Princess Promise, ha sido escrita especialmente para niños lectores de la saga Crónicas Krawen. Producido por Libros PGK LLC, Las Adventuras de la Joven Princess Promise reconoce en sus personajes e argumentos la meta de PGK de atraer a una población diversa de niños lectores, sus padres, maestros y otros cuidadores. Mientras Princess Promise sigue su destino, luchando por defender lo que ella cree que es correcto, sirviendo como un modelo a seguir, un faro de empoderamiento femenino, no solo para niñas sino también para niños que, desde una edad temprana, se benefician de ser testigos a hembras de mente fuerte. Es la esperanza de Law Cunningham que niños o niñas que leen Las Adventuras de la Joven Princess Promise se sientan empoderados para dar mayor valor a sus vidas, no por su aspecto