Special Sponsor Collectors Editions


Front Page Visibility

First Inside Page Visibility

Back Page Visibility

At PGK, we give Sponsors a unique way to connect with children, families, and communities through fun, engaging experiences. Your brand becomes more than just a name—it becomes part of each family’s journey.

With our Special Sponsor Collectors Edition Combo-Workbooks, your brand, work location, and likeness are beautifully illustrated on the front, inside pages, and back cover. These illustrations, done by top-rated professionals, feature your likeness and PGK Trademarked Characters, creating a memorable connection with families.



Your presence also shines in the Sponsor Gift Portals, where families interact with your brand through exclusive activities, rewards, and events. With activities like the Sponsor Scavenger Hunts, children and their parents recognize you in public, take pictures with your consent, and post them on social media, earning prizes, gifts, and scholarships. This deepens your connection with families while boosting your visibility across the community.

These illustrations and activities ensure your sponsorship is both seen and experienced, making your brand an exciting part of the child’s fun learning journey.

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