Ownership, Profit Sharing & Long-Term Opportunity

PGK isn’t just offering jobs—it’s offering ownership.

Through PGK Distro-Hubs, you literally have the opportunity to own a legally incorporated business that is designed to generate substantial income with significantly less risk.

What Makes This Different?

  • PGK funds the business—there are no financial obligations on your part.

  • You gain immediate access to profit-sharing based on territory revenue.

  • After one year, you begin earning equity ownership, starting at 10%.

  • This is a true, structured ownership opportunity with legal incorporation.

This is a historically unprecedented opportunity—a way to own a profitable, structured business without financial investment. 

 Welcome to the PGK Distro-Hub Network!

If you’re ready to build a business, create a lasting impact, and earn ownership in a growing company, PGK Distro-Hubs are the place for you.

Let’s get started!