PGK Distro-Hub Director Ownership

Ownership benchmarks for Distro-Hubs are tied to performance and role advancement:

Distro-Hub Director Pathway to Equity: Three-Phase Model

Distro-Hub Directors do not receive immediate ownership but earn equity over time based on performance and commitment. The ownership path includes the following phases:

Level 1: Interim Directorship (0-12 Months)

  • Serves a probationary period to demonstrate competency.

  • Must meet performance benchmarks to proceed to the next phase.

  • Required to undergo PGK Leadership & Operations Training.

  • Subject to evaluation at 6 and 12 months.

  • Interim Period - 0%

Level 2: Confirm Director (1-3 Years)

  • Earns up to 10% ownership.

  • Must meet growth and revenue targets set by PGK Distribution Company.

Level 3: Enterprise Distro-Hub Equity Ownership (After 3+ Years)

  • Earns up to 35% ownership.

  • Can sell or transfer earned equity only with PGK’s approval.

  • If the director chooses to leave, they may retain equity or sell it back to PGK at a pre-determined valuation.