PGK Products and our Commitment to the Inclusion of Audio
The most innovative feature of PGK educational tools, books, activewear and other products is that whether they're bundled or individual items they're all enhanced by the inclusion of songs from PGK Music Box. These songs, sung by beloved PGK characters, entertain and teach children life lessons in the areas of basic academic skills, character development, personal care, and care for our environment. PGK Audio also include PGK Action Adventures from PGK Books or PGK Activewear.
Featured Products
Promiseland Park's Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book
Developed by PGK Educational Tools, Promiseland Park’s Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book is an interactive learning platform that is enhanced by the inclusion of cutting-edge songs and storylines sung and narrated by beloved PGK trademarked characters. Each of Promiseland Park's Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book's 12 lessons is paired with a song from PGK Music Box. These 12 songs comprise the Promiseland Park Smart-Album, which is also available at the online PGK Clubhouse Megastore in the Promiseland Park Collection.
PGK's Audio Smart-Book lesson modules are designed to challenge children’s spelling, word recognition, math skills, and memorization skills while covering subjects such as the environment, social skills, and personal responsibility. These interactive learning modules, developed primarily to be facilitated by parents/teachers, can be completed by students working on their own.
The Audio Smart-Book’s combination of cutting-edge music and lesson plans was developed by experienced educators, talented musicians, and songwriters to take advantage of children’s remarkable ability to memorize. Results from focus groups associated with multiple New Jersey charter school classes have supported PGK's premise that high-quality, attention-grabbing, sing-along music is a perfect platform to teach core curriculum, behavioral lessons, and history lessons that support classroom and home education.
Song Lyrics
The lyrics to each song found in Promiseland Park's Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book are provided to assist parents and teachers in developing their children's literary and musical skills as they teach each song. All the lyrics are created to teach and reinforce in children positive messages that are sure to be remembered and enjoyed as songs for their entire childhoods.
The Promiseland Park Smart-Album
Introducing Promiseland Park's Smart-Album! Songs such as “Brush, Brush”, “Don't Be a Litterbug”, “You'll Do Great”, and “The Addition Song 1 - 6” represent the PGK Sound - fun for kids, cool enough for adults, and always inspiring and educational!
Created to educate, entertain and empower young children as well as entertain their parents and families, "Promiseland Park's Smart-Album" has 12 cutting-edge songs from PGK Music Box:
Promiseland Park's Theme Song
Brush, Brush
All Dressed Up
PGK's New ABC Song
You'll Do Great
Addition 1 - 6
The Magic Word
Left, Right, Left
Don't be a Litterbug
We Clean Up
Face Art
The Adventures of Young Princess Promise Storybook or Activity Book (Vol. 1)
On the Planet Rahm
in the Kingdom of Krawen
in the 1774½ Rahmian cycle (7098 C.E. Ert Time)
Even though rumors of strange events occurring outside the Kingdom of Krawen swirled about, another two-and-a-half cycles (ten Ert years) would pass before young Princess Promise would become the legendary freedom fighter known as Kez-Shey Bellar - “She who would not let it be”.
Now at only one-and-three-quarter cycles of age (seven Ert years) Promise and her closest friends, Gabrielle and Tiki, support one another in fantastic adventures, learning valuable life lessons from Promise's father King Barrick, his longtime friends General Jaspari and Marshall U-Hotek, and from each other...
Law Cunningham is the creator of The Krawen Chronicles a part of which - The Adventures of Young Princess Promise - was written by Gioya McRae and wonderfully illustrated by Alejandra de la Cruz. Produced by PGK Books LLC The Adventures of Young Princess Promise acknowledges in its characters and storylines PGK's goal of appealing to a diverse population of children readers, their parents, teachers and other caregivers. As Princess Promise follows her destiny, striving to defend what she believes is right, she serves as a beacon of female empowerment - a role model for girls, boys and children of all backgrounds who bear witness to her adventures.
It's Law Cunningham's hope that children who experience The Adventures of Young Princess Promise feel empowered to place greater value on their lives, not because of what they look like or where they're from but because they have a right to the strength and dignity that come with self-empowerment.
The PGK Dental Hygiene Audio Smart-Book or Smart-Kit
Produced by PGK Educational Tools, the PGK Dental Hygiene Audio Smart-Kit is designed to support PGK’s Health & Fitness Youth Empowerment Initiative. It features critical information on the importance of children maintaining good dental hygiene. Its components include an activity book containing lessons, crosswords, and other puzzles that feature PGK trademarked characters, and a lesson plan that contains music from PGK Music Box, which is required to complete the PGK Dental Hygiene Audio Smart-Kit's value. The music is available for download from the Sponsor’s online PGK Page. The link can be found on the front and back pages of the activity book. PGK Dental Hygiene Smart-Books can be purchased separately from complete Smart-Kits.
PG the Kangaroo and his siblings Kelly and Kevin together with Dr. Gabby and their nemesis Captain Cavity guide children through important lessons on dental hygiene. “Brush, Brush” - a fun and entertaining song from PGK Music Box - encourages children to brush their teeth regularly.
Hundreds of thousands of American children, because of factors such as poverty and lack of education, are unaware of the lifelong relationship between dental hygiene and their overall health. Consequently, they do not establish lifelong dental hygiene habits that contribute to their overall health and well-being.
PGK Interactive “Easy Learning” Apps
PGK Interactive “Easy Learning” Apps - Now Included with PGK Educational Tools
The goal of PGK Interactive is to produce and further refine the development of our Easy Learning Apps in order to improve their interactivity and better accommodate the multiple ways children interact in the digital world.
The uniqueness of our interactive products' features and benefits, such as availability in multiple languages, and the diversity of our markets both online and offline not only improve children's learning experiences but they further empower PGK Lifestyle Associates by adding value to their selling, recruiting, and product & talent discovery capabilities.
As PGK expands further into domestic and international markets and territories the flexibility of our interactive products will become more apparent, as we offer culturally customized apps that can be bundled with products, services and programs that are developed to accommodate specific markets.
In addition, PGK offers our customers the advantage of being able to purchase PGK interactive apps as stand-alone single lessons or as monthly or annual subscriptions.
We're excited about the development of our PGK Easy Learning Apps and anticipate that they'll be among the most popular of PGK products moving forward - popular with kids, Lifestyle Specialists, and Community Engagement Sponsors and Recipients. They are especially well-suited for all PGK Adopt-A-Program Youth Empowerment Initiatives.
PGK Easy Learning Apps are fully interactive digital products developed jointly by PGK Educational Tools and PGK Interactive. Easy Learning subjects include:
Pre-school and elementary school Core Curriculum and Curriculum Enhancing Lessons
Foreign language lessons, beginning with Spanish
Character building lessons
Discussions of topics important to kids such as bullying, the environment, and dental hygiene
PGK Easy Learning Apps also include these fun and exciting features:
Narration by lovable PGK characters
Engaging Lessons created by certified educators
Visual Exercises that kids can easily navigate by touch screen or use of a mouse
Lessons supported by cutting-edge Songs from PGK Music Box
Video access to certified teachers who guide kids through their lessons
Video access to PG the Kangaroo, PGK's most beloved character who also supports each lesson
Popups that provide access to supporting Video, Audio, Text and Images that kids can color on screen
Various Quizzes such as Drag & Drop, True or False, or Multiple Choice after each lesson
Flexibility to stand alone as a product or be bundled with most PGK Audio Products
Available with all PGK Educational Tools
Available for Subscription Services with monthly or annual payment plans
Stand alone app accessible Online
Stand alone app available at the Google Play Store and the Apple Play Store
Downloadable to any digital device
PGK Clubhouse Brands & Megastore Collections:
As with all PGK business groups, every product sold and every donation made through the PGK Clubhouse Megastore helps expand the reach of our Youth Empowerment Initiatives such as our Health and Literacy initiatives, Community Engagement Campaigns such as Adopt-A-Program to Read and Sponsor-A-Child to Perform, and provides financial support for the nonprofit PGK Scholarship in Education Fund.
Promiseland Park
Promiseland Park is an enchanting place full of fun and adventure where PG, Kelly and Kevin the Kangaroos along with their friends Furnando the Cat, Oakie the Oak Tree, and special guests entertain and teach children life lessons in the areas of core curriculum and curriculum enhancing subject matter, character building, personal care, and care for our environment.
Adventures of Young Princess Promise
Before she was known as the legendary freedom fighter Kez-Shey Bellar - "She who would not let it be" - Promise was a young princess who learned valuable life lessons about teamwork, courage, loyalty, respect and dignity side-by-side with her friends Gabrielle and Tiki and under the watchful eyes of her father King Barrick and his lifelong friends General Jaspari and Marshall U-Hotek.
The Baby Roos
Back when PG, Kelly & Kevin the Kangaroos were the Baby Roos they also had fun adventures with their Promiseland Park toddler friends, singing songs that promote lively interaction and bonding between babies and adults. Mommy and Daddy will love singing songs like "Face Art" and "Left, Right, Left" to baby time and time again.
PGK Champions
Every champion has a great story. Our PGK Champions Youth Sports Collection is dedicated to the young athletes who create these heroic stories by challenging their physical and mental limits through hard practice, devoted study, unwavering sportsmanship, and constant pursuit of greatness through athletic achievement. Enjoy PGK Champions apparel, merchandise, and the stories that inspire the collection.
Discover the PGK Sound Seasonal Collections
Presented by PGK Music Box, the PGK Sound both entertains and educates and is a great soundtrack for your child's on-the-go year-round seasonal fun. You and your adult family and friends can also enjoy and groove to the PGK Sound without going crazy when your child wants to hear their favorite songs over and over again.
Discover the PGK Sound... Fun for kids! Cool enough for adults!
PGK Toys
PGK offers a wide variety of toys that promote imaginative playtime. Our collection includes educational games, plush toys, and action figures. Our goal is to provide toys that encourage children to use their imaginations, which is important for their overall development. As we introduce new brands and trademarked characters, we also add corresponding new toys to our collection. Best of all, PGK Toys are safe, durable, and affordable – guaranteed fun that will take children on a journey of a lifetime, a journey to their own imaginations and, like most available PGK Products, include PGK Music or Audio Adventures.
PGK Certified Parents, Family & Friends Gift Shop Collection
Created for all those special someones who love, nurture and support their children, the PGK Parents, Family & Friends Collection is an ideal, one-stop gift giving resource for all occasions. As you create your own PGK style know that doing so supports children around the world through programs such as PGK's nonprofit Scholarship in Education Fund.
Enhance your child's home experience and quality of life through your use of children's goods and household items produced by other reputable manufacturers and found here in the PGK Family Value Department Store.
Introducing PGK in Español
Created to serve our Spanish speaking communities, the PGK Mega Tienda Español Collection exists to support PGK's mission to empower children by providing them with products and services that educate and entertain, Youth Empowerment Initiatives that focus on specific areas of growth, Community Engagement Campaigns that strengthen their families and communities, and continuing education opportunities available through our nonprofit PGK Scholarship in Education Fund.
Creada para servir a nuestras comunidades de habla Español la Colección PGK Mega Tienda en Español existe para apoyar la misión de PGK de empoderar a los niños al proporcionarles productos y servicios que educan y entretienen, Iniciativas de Empoderamiento Juvenil que se centran en áreas específicas de crecimiento, Campañas de Participación Comunitaria que fortalecen su familias y comunidades, y oportunidades de educación continua disponibles a través de nuestro fondos sin fines de lucro (nonprofit) Becas en Educación PGK (Scholarship in Education).
PGK Music Box Records
PGK Music Box LLC is Promiseland Global Kids’ (PGK's) groundbreaking record company and the first PGK business group to be activated. In the clarity of an entrepreneurial epiphany Law Global Enterprises/PGK President and CEO Law Cunningham visualized creating cutting-edge music for children aged pre-K to teen, and being so inspired realized that the music he imagined was the cornerstone on which to build a highly innovative business model.
Also borne out of the inspiration to create music for children was a commitment to the concept of “edutainment”, the belief that music as well as all other products, programs and services produced for children should be educational and entertaining.
The commitment to providing children with “edutainment” led Mr. Cunningham to not only develop the PGK Sound but also inspired the creation of PGK trademarked characters, PGK tales and adventures, and the incorporation of Dr. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences into the lyrical, thematic, and musical content of the PGK Music Box catalog. It is in this spirit of “whole-child development” that we at Law Global Enterprises/PGK proudly introduce PGK Music Box - the first jewel in our crown.
Module 2: Day 4
PGK Programs
Services from the PGK Nonprofit Scholarship in Education Fund
The nonprofit PGK Scholarship in Education Fund's mission is to pursue and where possible achieve the ideal of a level playing field as it pertains to the financing of educational opportunities for children and youth, pre-K through college.
The increasing cost of education is an ongoing dilemma for parents who work tirelessly to ensure that their children receive quality educations that contribute to their children's future success and prosperity.
In addition to scholarships and grants, solutions to funding continuing education include student loans and use of personal savings which can lead to insurmountable debt, poor credit ratings, and other forms of diminished financial freedom.
The nonprofit PGK Scholarship in Education Fund plays a vital role in increasing access to continuing education. It provides a multitude of avenues for children and teens to acquire scholarships and is not limited to traditional institutions of higher learning such as colleges and universities. Qualified educational institutions also include performing arts academies, trade schools, vocational schools, private elementary, and private prep schools. Means of funding the PGK Scholarship in Education Fund include:
Donations received directly from net revenue earned from all PGK (Promiseland Global Kids) for-profit business groups.
Donations resulting from PGK Scholarship Fundraisers where participants receive PGK Fundraiser Landing Pages that generate income from the sale of most of the products available at the online PGK Clubhouse Megastore.
Donations received from financial institutions, corporations, small businesses, and private philanthropists.
The nonprofit PGK Scholarship in Education Fund's mission is to pursue and where possible achieve the ideal of a level playing field as it pertains to the financing of educational opportunities for children and youth, pre-K through college.
The increasing cost of education is an ongoing dilemma for parents who work tirelessly to ensure that their children receive quality educations that contribute to their children's future success and prosperity.
In addition to scholarships and grants, solutions to funding continuing education include student loans and use of personal savings which can lead to insurmountable debt, poor credit ratings, and other forms of diminished financial freedom.
The nonprofit PGK Scholarship in Education Fund plays a vital role in increasing access to continuing education. It provides a multitude of avenues for children and teens to acquire scholarships and is not limited to traditional institutions of higher learning such as colleges and universities. Qualified educational institutions also include performing arts academies, trade schools, vocational schools, private elementary, and private prep schools. Means of funding the PGK Scholarship in Education Fund include:
Donations received directly from net revenue earned from all PGK (Promiseland Global Kids) for-profit business groups.
Donations resulting from PGK Scholarship Fundraisers where participants receive PGK Fundraiser Landing Pages that generate income from the sale of most of the products available at the online PGK Clubhouse Megastore.
Donations received from financial institutions, corporations, small businesses, and private philanthropists.
The PGK Adopt-A-Program to Read Campaign
As the nonprofit arm of PGK, the Scholarship in Education Fund directs PGK's Adopt-A-Program to Read campaign.
We are looking for organization's support for this campaign provided for by the sponsorship of PGK Educational Tools to a Recipient Organization such as a school or daycare. A sponsor’s support helps us in our mission while further endearing their organization to the community in which they do business.
Each Adopt-A-Program to Read educational tool features customized branding on the 1st, 2nd and back pages of the books, and in any interactive app that may be included in each package. This branding will encourage children, their parents, and other caregivers to remember and appreciate that the Sponsor provided such a gift every time they open their books or enjoy their apps.
Promiseland Park’s Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book and The Adventures of Young Princess Promise are the featured educational tools used in the Adopt-A-Program to Read campaign.
The Inclusion of PGK Educational Tools
PGK Adopt-A-Program campaigns utilize PGK educational tools, which are interactive and - as do all PGK Products - come with an audio component such as songs from PGK Music Box or action adventures from PGK Books. Also, all PGK educational tools come with activity books, which are often a version of their story book counterparts.
Promiseland Park’s Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book and The Adventures of Young Princess Promise are the featured educational tools used in the Adopt-A-Program to Read campaign.
Promiseland Park's Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book
See Module 2: Day 1 for information on Promiseland Park's Pre-K and Kindergarten Audio Smart-Book.
The Adventures of Young Princess Promise Storybook or Activity Book (Vol. 1)
See Module 2: Day 1 for information The Adventures of Young Princess Promise Storybook or Activity Book (Vol. 1)
Program Providers - PGK Community Engagement Specialists
PGK Community Engagement Specialists coordinate the sale of specific educational tools for use in the appropriate PGK Youth Empowerment Initiatives. They manage the logistics for PGK-sanctioned Sponsor-Recipient interactions and events and also assist in a Sponsor's selection of a Recipient Organization when necessary.
PGK Adopt-A-Program to Read Sponsors
These Sponsors are businesses, organizations and individuals who agree to support PGK’s Youth Empowerment Literacy Initiative by purchasing then donating PGK educational tools and books to Recipient Organizations, thereby creating unique opportunities for Sponsors to promote their brands/causes and resulting in closer ties to their communities.
PGK Adopt-A-Program to Read Recipients
These Recipients are caretaker organizations such as public and private schools and daycares that agree to participate in the program. They receive their books as donations from their program Sponsors then distribute them to the children under their care.
PGK Services
PGK No-cost Community Engagement Fundraisers
Does your organization need funding? How serious are you about it?
By becoming a PGK (Promiseland Global Kids) Fundraiser Organization you can take advantage of the excellent opportunities provided by PGK to raise money at no cost to yourself and with no obligation to purchase any PGK products or services. We make these offers to nonprofit children caretaker organizations such as:
charter schools
private schools
day cares
sports teams and clubs
high school and private school student organizations
PGK Custom Apparel Lines
PGK Offers Custom Apparel Lines like this Grady Family Reunion Collection, featuring their own custom "Grady Made" logo designed by PGK Creative Services. These Custom Apparel Lines are available to families, sports clubs, churches, and other organizations!
More Fundraiser Organization Features
As a Fundraiser Organization with access to PGK's entire catalog of cutting-edge Audio Products you'll have at your disposal tools that help you make and track sales and that also direct your customers to the website where your sales are tracked back to you. The PGK Fundraiser Organization tools are as follows:
Conversion (Sales) Triggers such as:
Fundraiser Organization Links
Online Banners (Creatives)
Email Trackers
Coupon Codes (for social media platforms that do not allow affiliate banners)
A custom Fundraiser Page that is exclusive to you as an Organization and/or that promotes the particular products that you sell.
A Fundraiser Organization Dashboard (As a Fundraiser Organization you should have a Dashboard administrator who is the online point of contact with PGK) Your Dashboard tracks/gives you access to statistics such as:
Data on all Conversion (Sales) Triggers including their rates of success.
Access to Online Banners (Creatives)
Payment History and Updates
Affiliate Partner Terms
Social Media Marketing Resources
Affiliate Links
Ability to create Links to specific pages
Ability to shorten Links
Ability to send and receive Messages from PGK
Platforms for displaying your Fundraiser Organization banners include:
Websites chosen by you (subject to PGK approval)
Social Media platforms that allow Online Banners
All Social Media platforms allow coupon codes which can be customized to you and your brand
PGK digital advertisements and promotions
Online Radio Stations
Fundraiser Organization Benefits
All PGK Fundraiser Organizations are vetted to assess the seriousness of their commitment to holding a fundraiser and also to establish that the terms of their particular fundraiser(s) can be tailored to their specific needs and capabilities. PGK Fundraiser Organization benefits include the following:
Unlimited Fulfillment
No Inventory to Store or Maintain
Access to most of the Audio Products and Collections found at the online PGK Clubhouse Megastore. These include:
Educational Tools
Apparel for Adults
The purchase of any PGK Audio Product is an opportunity to provide young children with fun educational experiences that explore topics as diverse as:
math skills
social skills
environmental issues
personal responsibility
Taking on PGK's commitment to empower children and thereby their communities is also of great benefit to the reputations of all participating PGK Fundraiser Organizations.
Fundraiser Organization Levels
When your Megastore sales data is recorded it is tracked to its source, ensuring that you're properly compensated for each of your transactions. To track your sales the PGK Clubhouse Megastore uses digital cookies which measure the length of time sales and clicks are tracked to your particular Conversion (Sales) Triggers. Durations of the digital cookies that track your sales are as follows:
Level 1 Fundraiser Organization - 1 year
Level 2 Fundraiser Organization - 2 years
Level 3 Fundraiser Organization - Unlimited
Level 1 Fundraiser Organization Requirements:
Commitment to participate in 1st fundraiser using PGK products
1-year Digital Cookie
Level 2 Fundraiser Organization
Commitment to participate in a 2nd fundraiser using PGK products
2-year Digital Cookie
Level 3 Fundraiser Organization
Commitment to participate in a 3rd fundraiser using PGK products
Unlimited Digital Cookie - meaning you would receive - for life - additional income for any purchases that result from clicks made on the PGK links you share from this day forward
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