PGK Lifestyle Associates: Welcome to Training

Hello PGK (Promiseland Global Kids) Lifestyle Associate Candidate,

Congratulations on being one step closer to becoming a valued PGK Lifestyle Associate. By enrolling in the PGK Training Academy you've chosen to dedicate valuable time and energy to learning about our business, and we at PGK are eager to help and guide you in your efforts.

As you learn about us and the ways in which you can thrive and prosper with PGK, we hope you find our interactive training both informative and inspirational.

For the next few weeks it is mandatory that you are present, punctual and equipped with all materials needed to participate in each of your scheduled PGK Training Academy sessions. If at any time a scheduling conflict arises we ask that you please inform us promptly so that we may consider other options. We want to make sure you succeed.

We're here to provide you with the information and tools you need to become knowledgeable in the PGK brand and businesses and to prepare you for your role as a PGK Lifestyle Associate, working in partnership with PGK to achieve our mutually held goals. Among these goals is our commitment to provide you with the means to achieve financial stability and prosperity. Together we'll embark on this amazing journey to success!

Welcome to PGK Training.

Please be sure to complete all 5 of the following Onboard Training Steps

For Support Contact

Step 1.
Review the PGK Academy Training Schedule and Syllabus.

Step 2.
Complete the PGK Academy Social Media Support Form

Step 3.
Follow a minimum of two PGK Social Media Platforms in order to Participate in the Social Media Support Program during training. Click your preferred links below.

Step 4. Online Training Reviews

Step 5. Proceed to Independent Training

Step 6. PGK Lifestyle Academy
General Training Final Exam